March 10, 2025 | 2025-1

Communications:  The 2025 Grand Lodge & Royal Grand Session was a huge success. I am of the belief that the spirit of God was reigning throughout the entire session. From the spirit filled Memorial Service on Thursday until the OES Gala with the theme “Family Reunion”, we had a fun filled time of fellowship. During our annual session, we as a jurisdiction donated over 500 sets of needed winter caps and gloves to the youth in Pine Bluff and Jefferson County.

I want to publicly congratulate everyone that was elected in the Grand Lodge as well as the Royal Grand Chapter. I pray for a successful year for our new Grand Worthy Matron, Linda C. Hunter, No. 362. Sister Hunter did a great job of overseeing the Royal Grand Chapter last year and I look forward to working with her and the other elected Royal Grand Chapter Officers.

We are looking forward to prosperity, togetherness, and Agape love for one another. New Masonic Year and New Leadership is a great time to have a New Mindset. Our organization can only reach its full potential if we work together to make it what it is supposed to be.

"Unity and Education Through Action”

Mark A. McGraw
M.W. Grand Master
M.W.P.H.G.L. of Arkansas