Latest Past Events

OES Gala Night

Grand Lodge 2906 E. Harding Ave, Pine Bluff

o 7:00pm-9:30pm OES Gala Night – Theme: “PHAMILY REUNION” o Live Entertainment- Delicious Food and Drinks o Casual & Covered Attire: blue jeans, slacks, capris, tennis shoes. NO Shorts or NO Short Cropped Tops. Gala Tickets are $20.00 and will not be sold at the door. If you do not order extra Gala tickets at time of Pre-Registration you may purchase extra tickets on Friday,…

C.N. Tony Grand Lodge Trustee Banquet/Car Raffle Drawing

Grand Lodge 2906 E. Harding Ave, Pine Bluff

o The C.N. Tony Grand Lodge Trustee Banquet Friday- 7:00pm. Extra Banquet tickets $45.00. Banquet tickets will not be sold at the door. Same procedure as last year - you must additionally pre-register online for the banquet. An ONLINE Link is forthcoming and will be sent from the MWPHGL. o Car Raffle Drawing

RGC Annual Grand Session 8:30am-3:00pm

Grand Lodge 2906 E. Harding Ave, Pine Bluff

February 21st - Friday: o Devotion 8:30am o Formal Opening 9:00am (Short Form) o Lunch 12(noon) -  1:15pm o Closing: 3:00pm February 22nd – Saturday: o 8:30am Line-up OES Room prepare for joint session/Grand Master Mark McGraw’s Allocution o 10:30am OES Session reconvenes o 10:30am – Administrative Degree to all new 2025 Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons in the Blue/White Room. This degree is required…