Star Points and Alternates

Susan Dickson #343
Lake Village
Yolanda Smith #71
Warren (alt)

Billian Glasco #64
LeQuandra Hale-Banks #336
W. Memphis (alt)

Yushemia Martin #19
Rennetta Rowe #427
Texarkana (alt)

Michaela Briggs #227
Krystal Rucks #352
El Dorado (alt)

Jacquelin Stewart #427
Natiayoun Williams #374
West Helena (alt)
Appointed Officers - Continued
Grand Recorder: Cherry Smith, #338, North Little Rock
Grand Assidysny. Recorder: Carlas Smith, #338, North Little Rock
Grand CCFC: Brenda Binns, #59, Wilmar
Grand Warder in East (N): Patricia Torrence, #348, Dermott
Grand Warder in East (S): Nichelle Murray, #336, W. Memphis
Grand Warder in West: Lesa Smith, #427, Texarkana and Aleasheia Stanford, #389, Crawfordville
Grand Warder in West: Degdra Eldridge, #75, Dumas
Grand Sentinel in East (N): Andrea Hale, #128, Washington
Grand Sentinel in East (S): Robin Cook, #348, Dermott
Grand Sentinel in West: Sylvester Redix Sr., #424, Pine Bluff
Grand Marshal in East: Belinda Covington, #374, HW-Helena
Grand Marshall in West: LaWanda Sykes, #348, Dermott
Asst. Grand Marshall in East: Jazmine Heard, #340, Magnolia
Asst. Grand Marshall in West: Georgia Moore, #336, W. Memphis
Grand OES Flag: Della Daniels, #22, Marianna
Grand US Flag: Janet Conway, #128, Washington
Grand Christian Flag: Kimler Lewis, #19, Texarkana
Grand Chaplain: Annette Fairchild, #362, Little Rock
Grand Chaplain Emeritus: Earnestine Murphy, #424, Pine Bluff
Grand Pianist: Vertie Staples, #194, Eudora-Holley Ridge
Grand Asst. Pianist: Faye Tate, #64, Monticello
Grand Director: Karen Harper, #192, Gum Springs
Grand Director: Veronica Brooks, #336, West Memphis
Grand Historian: Zenobia Brown, #40, Pine Bluff
Grand Lecturer: Amanda Roberts, #392, North Little Rock
Grand Photographer: Shamaine Jenkins, #19, Texarkana
Grand Photographer Assistant: Regina Wade, #29, Hot Springs
Grand Clerk – Building Assessments: Patricia Jones, #5, Pine Bluff
Grand Webmaster: Monica Cato, #424, Pine Bluff
Grand Webmaster Assistant: Felicia Bentley, #402, North Little Rock
Building Assessment and Mortgage Commitment
Assessment Clerk/MWPHGL Building Preservation Chair
Patricia Jones, #5, Pine Bluff
Mail mortgage donations to:
P.O. Box 8721, Pine Bluff, AR 71611
Grand Lodge Trustees
Irene Thomas, #75, Dumas
Emma Nelson, #5, Pine Bluff