Grand Master Mark A. McGraw is a native of Dallas, Texas. He went to Kansas Wesleyan University and graduated in 1997 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a Bachelors of Arts in Mathematics. While in Kansas, he was an active member of St. John Missionary Baptist church where he served as an Assistant Youth Director. He has been married to Angela for over 22 years. They have six children. He is a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. He served as president of the chapter at KWU (Delta).
GM McGraw began his journey into Masonic Order in January of 1996 and completed the 3rd degree in October of 1996. He was a member of Denver Star Lodge #34 located in Salina, Kansas where he became the youngest sitting Worshipful Master in Kansas history at age 24. Being part of many Masonic houses, he has earned many titles including Past Master of Denver Star Lodge #34, Past High Priest of King Solomon Chapter #5 of Royal Arch Masons, Past Eminent Commander of Lynn Hopkins Commandery #15 of Knights Templars, (Prince Hall Affiliated).
GM McGraw continues working in Prince Hall Masonry by assisting members with learning Masonic work in Arkansas. He transferred membership from Denver Star Lodge #34 (Kansas) and became a member of H.J. Evans Lodge #8 (Arkansas) in 2003 and served as its Worshipful Master in 2007. He is a Past High Priest of Keystone Chapter No.1, Past Eminent Commander of Little Rock Commandry No. 1, and a Past Patron of City Star Chapter No. 402 Order of the Eastern Star. He was named Mason of the year in 2004 by H.J. Evans Lodge #8. He was the 2006 Master Mason of the Year in District 7 South.
GM McGraw has received many accolades such as the Scottish Mason of the year, Grand Lodge Officer of the year, Honorary Past Grand Eminent Commander of the H.J. Evans Grand Commandry, Honorary Past Grand Most Illustrious Grand Thrice Illustrious Master of the Monroe B. Murdock Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons, Honorary Grand Senior Warden of M.W. Grand Lodge of Oklahoma (A.F.&A.M). He is currently serving as Vice President Region IV of the Council of Representatives for the Phylaxis Society. He is a member of the Arkansas Knights of Pythagoras. Since 2005, Bro. McGraw has actively served in a Grand Lodge capacity. He has served as Grand Lecturer, Chief District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Junior Warden, Grand Senior Warden, Deputy Grand Master, and on February 25, 2023, he was elected the 20th Most Worshipful Grand Master of Arkansas.
GM McGraw is a member of Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Little Rock, where he is an ordained Deacon. He is a Past President and current board member of the Volunteers in Public Schools of the Little Rock Independent School District. He has served on the L.C. & Daisy Bates Museum Board. He is known for his knowledge of the Masonic bodies and willingness to teach everyone who comes in his path about freemasonry and its rituals. He is a mentor to many, a brother to most, and friend to all. He currently works as a Field Technical Engineer Lead for the National Archive and Records Administration; He has been working at the William J, Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock since 2001 and Arkansas is his home. McGraw believes Freemasonry is a beautiful system where all can learn something about themselves and their God.
His Quotable statement is “Stay on the Square! You are someone’s impression of Prince Hall Masonry”

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